BOA'AN, PRC The Hua Man Yuan Residential Complex located in Boa'An, Guandong Province, is a residential complex consisting of multi-level residential towers constructed over a three storey Commercial Precinct podium at street level. The visual and activity focus for the residents living in the complex is into the central courtyard spaces of the two tower buildings. Due to the intimate nature of the main courtyards, the design character is seen as an extension of the architectural style. The nature of the two main courtyards and associated upper podium landscape to both courtyards required an in-depth understanding of how residents would use the different spaces. While the courtyards have been designed to fulfill their primary function of allowing residents to move from the courtyard street entries to the tower entries, each courtyard has been designed to provide a number of small more intimate spaces for the social use of residents and visitors alike, The upper podium landscapes to each building have been designed to provide a greater range of social spaces for the residents, with many of the spaces offering predetermined uses, while other spaces are more unstructured in their intended use. As with most landscape projects, the most visual element of the landscape design is the planting design. AS a result, the design team focused on the selection of appropriate plant species and the effect of different combinations of the plants to achieve a planting design that is interesting throughout the entire year. For this project, TCI were contracted to provide: